Building a GPS module PMod board, to allow the use of GPS and 1PPS data on both my FPGA and RP2040 boards
Modifying the IKEA Vindriktning with a Raspberry Pi Pico to integrate with Home Assistant
Getting up and running with the Ice Sugar Pro Development Board
Building a Verilog Example to control Neopixels using an iceBreaker FPGA Board
Getting started with the Lattice ECP5 Evaluation Board and the Open Source FPGA Development Tools
Using Github actions to automatically add FPGA Place and Route stats to pull requests
Using Github actions to simulate and test an FPGA Verilog design using Open Source tools
The once every 5 years upgrade to my Website, this time replacing the old Pelican website with one built with hugo
Building an unnecessarily complex Neopixel based Drinks coaster
Building a simple display to countdown to Christmas