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Pi Hut Let in Glow Advent Calendar

Building the Christmas Let in Glow Advent Calendar from PiHut

The Pi Hut Let it Glow Advent Calendar I picked up back in 2023 never got built the year that I purchased it, but this year I set myself the goal of completing it. Each of the 12 days there are little boxes contains a few components and a companion website where you will find the instructions on how to get it all built.

The building process starts with getting the Raspberry Pi Pico all setup, and then works though a full set of instructions including varrity of buttons, LED’s, RGB Control and a simple LCD. While these little projects are not challenging for me, they were a great excuse to have a play around with MicroPython and Thorny which I hadn’t used before.

I added my code to Github as I worked through and took daily pictures, as I way to track my progress, which although it took me past christmas to complete, it was all done by New Year’s Eve (Just!)

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy