Featured image of post The journey home begins

The journey home begins

With everyone up and awake early, they knew they had a long journey ahead, with the chalets clean everyone hit the road for home, well not quiet everyone. I headed in the opposite direction, with my sights set of the Nevis Range. This was another chance to have a run at some of the routes I had done on Wednesday. This time I only managed to do the Championship Red Route, having not fully recovered from yesterdays kayaking, with it taking me longer this time than it did on Wednesday. So with the weather not looking very good I hit the road and started on the journey home, the difference begin I was taking my time unlike the journey there, so stopped off a few times to take pictures and watch a random man plan the bagpipes.

Only a few mountains stand between me and my hotel

After all these stops I made it to my home for the night, a Travelodge in Glasgow, swapping the view off the highlands to one of Type 45 Destroyers that are being finished off on the other side of the river.


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